Bio + CV
Sibylle Ciarloni - Writer Artist Curator
Literaturprodukte und Lesungen, Video Arbeiten, Hörproduktionen und Relational Art / Gemeinschaftsprojekte... literature productions and readings, video works, audio productions and relational art / community projects.
Sibylle Ciarloni deals with long-term, practice-based speculative thinking. This year, she is working on a research project about relational art and dialogical art practices, supported by Kuratorium Kanton Aargau, Switzerland. She is interested in transformation exercises, especially in the movements of escape and/or adaptation, by working with different media and research techniques in her studio based on the Adriatic coast in Italy. There, she co-founded a cultural association to insist on a borderless sharing of working knowledge with artists, writers and researchers. Her tools are listening, reading, observing, language, extrapolation and repetition. Currently, she is developing a residency platform based on dialogical art practices.
Recent productions include Monolog einer Zimmerpflanze (Monologue of a Houseplant) and the audio-visual works Something Reminds Me of Something and How to Draw Yourself as a Fish. She collaborates with Rahel Kraft (Something Reminds Me of Something) by dedicating research and reflection to precarious ecosystem situations.
She started to work as a writer in 2002, producing the literature, music, and sound art mix radio show Auf hoher See (On High Seas) for a community radio between 2003 and 2007. Later, she published some short stories (Bernstein und Valencia) and the photo essay Strandläufer lungomare. Other publications in anthologies, u.a. entwürfe. Readings in Switzerland, Germany, and Italy. Between 2007 and 2010, Sibylle Ciarloni runs Salon Billa in Baden, Switzerland (Art Space, Bookshop).
Sibylle Ciarloni beschäftigt sich mit langfristigem, praxisbezogenem spekulativem Denken. Derzeit arbeitet sie an einer Recherche über das dialogische Kunstwerk, die vom Kuratorium des Kantons Aargau gefördert wird. Sie interessiert sich für Transformationsübungen, insbesondere für Flucht- und/oder Anpassungsbewegungen. Sie arbeitet mit verschiedenen Medien und Forschungstechniken in ihrem Atelier an der italienischen Adriaküste. Dort ist sie Mitbegründerin eines Kulturvereins, der sich für einen grenzenlosen Austausch von Praxiswissen mit Künstlerinnen, Schriftstellerinnen und Forscher*innen einsetzt. Ihre Werkzeuge sind Zuhören, Lesen, Beobachten, Sprache, Extrapolation und Wiederholung. Zurzeit entwickelt sie eine Residenzplattform, die mit dialogischen Kunstpraktiken arbeitet.
Zu ihren jüngsten Produktionen gehören Monolog einer Zimmerpflanze und die audio-visuellen Arbeiten Something Reminds Me of Something und How to Draw Yourself as a Fish. Sie arbeitet mit Rahel Kraft (Something Reminds me of Something) zusammen und widmet sich der Erforschung und Reflexion prekärer Situationen in Ökosystemen.
2002 begann sie als Autorin zu arbeiten und produzierte zwischen 2003 und 2007 die Literatur-, Musik- und Sound-Art-Mix-Radiosendung Auf hoher See für ein Gemeinschaftsradio. Später veröffentlichte sie einige ihrer Kurzgeschichten (Bernstein und Valencia) und den Fotoessay Strandläufer lungomare. Weitere Veröffentlichungen in Anthologien, u.a. entwürfe. Lesungen in der Schweiz, Deutschland, Italien. Zwischen 2007 und 2010 leitete Sibylle Ciarloni den Salon Billa in Baden, Schweiz (Kunstraum, Buchhandlung).
Productions + Publications
2024 Recherche zu Das dialogische Kunstwerk / relational art - Studium und Schreibarbeit wird gefördert durch das Kuratorium des Kantons Aargau, Schweiz. Ricerca su arte relazionale - lo studio e il lavoro per una pubblicazione viene supportato da Kuratorium des Kantons Aargau in Svizzera.
2024 San Costanzo - part of Pesaro 2024 capitale italiana della cultura. With #poesiadiffusa, I curated a participant project that asked people to share a poem. Between the 18th and 24th of March, the contributions were shown on walls, by the butcher, the barista, and the doctor in the waiting room, but also on bus stations and everywhere, you do not expect a poem or a thought. Supported by Annex Cultura.
2024 reading of the Italian part of the book Quando mangiavo ciliegie sotto spirito con Hitler @Villa Massimo (Accademia Tedesca) in Rome, February the 13th, together with author and friend Manja Präkels, then in Olevano, now back in Berlin.
2024 part of the 11.2.2024 Edition of Waste Kompost Radio - a new movement of not recycling registered sounds you cannot translate into an art project.
2024-2027 ResidenzaLAB - collaborative artistic research station on dialogical practices. connecting, thinking, collaborating, listening, documenting. Costa Adriatica San Costanzo, Marotta-Mondolfo, Fano - Pesaro 2024 Capitale Italiana della Cultura.
2023 Screening Something Reminds Me of Something. Video Installation, Soundwalk and Conversation Piece, in collaboration with Rahel Kraft, Willimann/Arai, Diana Soldo and bagno popolare in Baden Switzerland. November 2023.
2023 Strandläufer, lungomare auf Nachttisch im Hotel Anderswo im Zimmermannhaus Brugg. Ausstellung u.a. von Silja Dietiker. November, Dezember 2023.
2023 Retrospective Instagram Beate Frommelt Artist, seven elaborated and tagged instagram posts to show the work of Beate Frommelt as an individual artist and as part of art collectives.
2023 Associazione Annex Cultura - established and registered in Italy to develop Community Projects, Arte Relazionale, Open Source, Residency + Laboratory.
2020 – 2022 - How To Draw Yourself As A fish – Short Art Movie 8’13“ Lundäng Film Festival SWE, Big Sur Film Festival California USA, Byron Bay Underground Film Festival AUS, Vancouver Independent Filmfestival CAN + Manual Zine in German, English, Italiano.
2007 – ongoing today - Readings in Germany, Switzerland, Italy. 2021/2022 in Berlin, Zürich, Basel mit Monolog einer Zimmerpflanze, 2023 in Brüsenhagen mit Bernstein und Valencia.
2017 – today - Acapulpo – Edition for Subject and Phenomenon independent production label
2015 – 2017 Weltatlas. Ein verlorener Gedanke. Live Reading + Video. Collaboration with Silja Dietiker Video.
2011 – today - Sound Art Pieces like Container (Radio Essay 2011), Seaside Soundmap (community sound collage 2017)
2007 – today - Collaborations and performances with artists like Rahel Kraft, Silja Dietiker, Manja Präkels, Zuzanna Skiba, Bettina Diel, Beate Frommelt, Martin Lorenz, Ilona Kannewurf, Matthias Weidmann, Tomoko Hojo, Milenko Lazic, Ivan Mangia, Petra Ronner. Spaces and festivals like Kunsthaus Zürich, Taktung, Tart Galerie, Herbert Baden, Brotfabrik Berlin, Bar Babette Berlin, Villa Massimo, Palazzo Bracci.
2018 Bernstein und Valencia Knapp Verlag Olten – short stories, ISBN 978-3-906311-44-9. (german)
2017 Strandläufer, lungomare. Foto Essay. ISBN 978-3-906325-26-2. (german, italian).
2010 - CD Todesarten - Stories about Life and Death and das Dazwischen Zusammenarbeit mit Ivan Mangia.
2009-2015 Co-Editor dunque – 4 zines (selfpublished, german - collaboration with Beat Roth.)
2007-2010 Curator and owner of Salon Billa. multifunctional independent space and library for literature and art experiments, exhibitions, concerts.
2003-2008 Auf hoher See – (on high seas, in alto mare) radio mag with readings, music, sound art. Kanal K Aarau.
Print/Web + Radio + TV
Contributions in books: Julian Salinas, Wo ist Martha? Merian Verlag Basel. Frank Worbs, Schlaflos brennen die Wörter, Texte zur Reformation, Theologischer Verlag Zürich. Roland und Christian Wittwer, Love is – Das Buch der Liebe. The Book of Love, Zürich. Alex Capus und Thomas Knapp (Hrsg.) - short story Olga in Gutenachtgeschichten für Verliebte, Olten.
… in anthologies and art and lit mags like Les Nouveaux Riches, entwürfe Bern, mosaik Salzburg, Junge Akademie Berlin, Treibstoff Luzern, in perspektive Zürich, on tell review, on wertschrift net and on twitter once a day during 2017 – alternative memory days (cooperation with Joanna Lisiak).
Radio Works: Features (about different gender topics) and Talks with authors, directors, illegal refugees, prisoners on Kanal K Gemeinschaftsradio, Aarau.
Writings in Magazines/Web: Aaku – Aargauer Kulturmagazin (Forecasts on cultural events). mosaik – Zeitschrift für Literatur und Kultur Salzburg (Interviews). manuell Lenzburg – (Portraits about Kazu Huggler, Leonardo Magatti, others). massiv Magazin St. Gallen (Book Reviews, Interviews, Essays). fashionweb and bluewin: Short Cuts about fashion and society.
TV: Producer of a TV mag targeted at and made by young people. 1999/2000. Collaboration with Johannes Sieber, Bruno Kocher, Marc Krebs and a group of freelancers practicing TV for the first time. Published by Star Tv Switzerland. All episodes archived by Schweizerisches Sozialarchiv Zürich.
Residencies, Nominees
2024 - forecast - Residency @ LIFF Lundäng SWE in July 2024
2018 Residency Zentrum für Gegenwartskunst NAIRS Scuol Switzerland.
2014 Nominee by lit mag „entwürfe“ with the poem In Möbelhäusern. A Trilogy about Javier Bardem, Sharon Stone und David Bowie.
2011 Residency Berlin sponsored by Kuratorium Canton of Aargau Switzerland.
2007 Hörspielwerkstatt Berlin and Rheinsberg invited by the Autorinnenvereinigung e.V., J. Monika Walther.
Since 1997. Creating media, thinking concepts, doing project management, writing texts. Editing + post editing, Newsletters, Translations for companies and agencies. 2021 Nature Writing Workshop for students at Hyperwerk Basel.
2024 bai - Berlin Art Institute Online Course THE PARADOX OF ART AND LABOUR by Adrian Melis. 2022/2023 Advanced Studies on curating @ Fondazione Modena Arti Visive, Scuola Alta Formazione. Ocean Uni TBA21 Academy Venice (Spring 2022). Start writing Fiction, Open University (2021). Poesietherapie/Creative Writing at iek Berlin (2020). Screenwriting, University of East Anglia (2019). Before: Lifeguard Pool Brevets SLRG. Workshop for Authors at Theater Basel with Thomas Freyer, Author, Berlin. Guest Student Philosophy Lectures and Seminars ETH Zürich (Michael Hampe) and University of Basel (Olga Rubitschon und Byung-Chul Han). Pronunciation for Speakers/Narrators lessons with Irmela Beyer, ZHdK Hochschule der Künste, Zürich. Advanced Studies in Reportage/Feature (MAZ Medienausbildungszentrum Luzern). Advanced Studies in Languages German (Zürich), Italian (Perugia) and English (London). Higher professional certificate (Switzerland) in Marketing and Communication. Professional diploma in Public Administration at Bezirksgericht Lenzburg, Switzerland.
German, Swiss German, English, Italian.
Gruppo parliamone Senigallia, Italy.
Ocean Community Venice.
Long Now Foundation San Francisco, USA.
Connect the Drops
Feels yourself invited to
Connect the Drops
25.07.2024 at 20.45hrs
@ LIFFingroom in Lundäng near Sunträlje in Sweden.
Opening with cherries and words and drawings and thoughts between the LIFF2024 movies.
While an artist in residence in Lundäng/Liff2024, I worked on my DNA project, a long-term investigation into the topic of origin and identification.
Open Call ResidenzaLAB
for artists online until 31.08.2024
on www.residenzalab.net or HERE on google form
We will ask you first:
1. Do you want to participate in a three-year experience by travelling to San Costanzo on the Italian Adriatic Coast, staying there for 10 days every September (starting in 2025), and working with other artists and people living in this region?
2. Would you be willing to travel climate-friendly to ResidenzaLAB?
3. Do you have an artistic practice with at least one experience in participatory art/dialogical art practice?
4. And do you speak 2 of the 3 languages Italiano, English and Deutsch?
If you reply to all questions by saying yes, then feel yourself invited to apply during this open call until August 31st, 2024. You will have our feedback until the end of November 2024.
We will develop a nomination list and then contact you for a video call. After all conversations, we will choose 4-6 participants. Our final decision will be communicated to you by mid-January 2025.
How can human animals learn from plant societies? I ask because we have to connect different life realities and create constructive dialogue. Because dialogue is the opposite of war.
Come possono animali umani imparare dalle società delle piante? Chiedo perché dobbiamo connettere realtà di vita diverse e creare un dialogo costruttivo. Perché il dialogo è il contrario di guerra.
Wie lernen Menschen von Pflanzengesellschaften? Ich frage, weil wir Menschen mit verschiedenen Lebensentwürfen miteinander verbinden müssen, um einen konstruktiven Dialog zu finden und kooperativesDenken zu entwickeln. Weil Dialog das Gegenteil von Krieg ist.
Ich arbeite derzeit zusammen mit einem kleinen Team an einer Arbeitsgruppe, die Raum für Dialog kreiert. Dazu laden wir Menschen aus dem Ort und Künstler*innen verschiedener Disziplinen ein, um mit ihnen über Dialogpraktiken nachzudenken, sie auszuprobieren und sie schließlich in einer Dokumentation im Web und auf Papier zugänglich zu machen.
Together with a small team, I am building a working group that creates space for dialogue. We are inviting local people and artists from various disciplines to think about dialogue practices with them, try them out and ultimately make them accessible in documentation on the web and on paper.
Insieme ad un piccolo team sto creando un gruppo di lavoro per aprire uno spazio al dialogo. Invitando persone del territorio insieme ad artiste e artisti con varie competenze creiamo delle pratiche di dialogo per sperimentarle e infine renderle accessibili in una documentazione su web e su carta.
Residenzalab = working group, research station, publication laboratory
Curator: Sibylle Ciarloni
Web: Residenzalab.net
Instagram: @residenzalab_annexc
Cooperation Partners 2024. We are searching for different partners to collaborate like institutions and private persons.
Financing Period 2024: We apply to different calls for fundings from foundations.
Crowdfunding Period January 2024 until March 2025. We are searching for 55 donors.
Open Call for Artists: June, July, August 2024.
Open Call for interested collaborators from the area San Costanzo, Marotta-Mondolfo, Fano: 2024, starting in June
Connecting, collaborating, listening, thinking, documenting in September 2025, September 2026, September 2027.
Winter 2027/2028 publishing online and print with best and unusual dialogue practices!
Pictures by Sibylle Ciarloni
Newsletter sign-up
Danke für Ihr Interesse an meinen Aktualitäten.
Thanks for your interest in my latest items.
Sibylle Ciarloni, Writer Artist Curator
Studio : anfragen @ sibylleciarloni.com
based in San Costanzo Marche Italy
working in German, English and Italian
Curator of ResidenzaLAB - a project about creating dialogical (art) (best) practice
Co-Founder of Associazione Annex Cultura
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This website serves the publication of essays, blogs and the announcement of events in connection with the work of writer, artist and curator Sibylle Ciarloni.
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